
To have and to hold

...new product up in my shop, and lots more at Local Honey, including some cute new headbands for only $12.

Keep an eye out for a new fall/winter line. It'll make you wanna drink hot cocoa and cuddle up by the fire with yr loved ones, all while looking trés glamorous, of course!


Customer appreciation

Say Ooh thanks the lovely Ellie for purchasing some cute feathers and strutting around the Northwest in them. She took some racey photos to show off, so hit up her flickr and tell her what a babe she is!

While looking for some new Native American names, I came across a few interesting ones.
MAKKITOTOSIMEW: Algonquin name meaning she has large breasts.
CHAVATANGAKWUNUA: Hopi name meaning "short rainbow."
SHOEMOWETOCHAWCAWEWAHCATOWE: Cheyenne name meaning "high-backed wolf."


Part 3: Love

My friend must be a bird,
Because it flies!
Mortal my friend must be,
Because it dies!
Barbs has it, like a bee.
Ah, curious friend,
Thou puzzlest me!
-E. Dickinson

We had a lovely, fun Saturday at Centennial Park. The darling sarah kachevas shot some pictures, I made some adornment, and Alanna and Amanda giggled the whole afternoon. It's a blessing to have creative friends!